Nurseries and Gardening Supplies
California Cactus Center www.cactuscenter.com
Topiary Art Works www.topiaryartworks.com/sphagmoshanb.html A great source for sphagnum moss hanging baskets
Toadshade Wildflower Farm http://www.toadshade.com
Endless Summer Flower Farm www.endlesssummerflowerfarm.com Dahlias
Real Lancaster County https://reallancastercounty.com/markets-2/flowers-gardens/ Nurseries and greenhouses in Lancaster County, PA
For a list of local native plant nurseries: Native Plant Nurseries
Philadelphia Gardens www.americasgardencapital.org 30+ gardens within 30 miles of Philadelphia
Chanticleer www.chanticleergarden.org
Gardening Blogs
A Way to Garden by Margaret Roach http://awaytogarden.com
Salvia Guru salvia.guru
Hayefield: A Pennsylvania Plant Geek's Garden by Nancy J. Ondra http://hayefield.com
Dirt Simple: the observations of a landscape designer by Deborah Silver http://www.deborahsilver.com/blog
Randi's Blog from Toadshade Wildflower Farm http://www.toadshade.com/RandiBlog.htm
Journal - Blog for Urban Rewilding A journal from Pistils Nursery in Portland, Oregon
My Chicago Botanic Garden: A blog from the Chicago Botanic Garden http://my.chicagobotanic.org
Land and Water Conservation:
Wissahickon Watershed Valley Association www.wvwa.org
Stroud Water Research Center www.stroudcenter.org
CRC Watersheds Association (Chester Ridley Crum) www.crcwatersheds.org
Chesapeake Bay Foundation www.cbf.org
Delaware River Keeper www.delawareriverkeeper.org
Willistown Conservation Trust www.wctrust.org
Brandywine Conservancy www.brandywine.org/conservancy
Natural Lands Trust (merged with Montgomery County Land Trust) www.natlands.org
Radnor Conservancy www.radnorconservancy.org
Lower Merion Conservancy www.lmconservancy.org
Friends of the Wissahickon www.fow.org
Friends of Schuykill River Park www.fsrp.org
Conservation Pennsylvania www.conservepennsylvania.org
Audubon Pennsylvania pa.audubon.org
PA Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) www.dcnr.state.pa.us
Harriton House www.harritonhouse.org
Conservation International www.conservation.org
National Park Conservation Association www.npca.org
National Environmental Education Foundation NEEF www.neefusa.org
National Resources Conservation Service www.nrcs.usda.gov
TreeVitalize www.treevitalize.net
Ocean Conservancy www.oceanconservancy.org
Native Plants and Pollinators:
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation www.xerces.org
Center for Pollinator Research Penn State Extension ento.psu.edu
Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve www.bhwp.org
Mt. Cuba Center www.mtcubacenter.org
Pennsylvania Resource Council www.prc.org
Help Consumers recycle and reduce their daily waste Earth911.com
Climate Change:
Citizens Climate Lobby www.citizensclimatelobby.org
C-Change Conversations www.c-changeconversations.com
Fresh Energy www.fresh-energy.org
Chester County Citizens for Climate Protection www.chescocooler.org
Other Conservation Resources:
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society www.phsonline.org
League of Conservation Voters scorecard.lcv.org
Environmental Working Group www.ewg.org
Philadelphia Parks Alliance www.philaparks.org
PennFuture pennfuture.org
Conservation Voters of PA www.conservationpa.org
Never Too Late To Learn
All About Earthworms http://www.improvenet.com/a/beginners-guide-to-earthworms